Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 1 and an Intro to Me!

Hello, all of time and space, and welcome to my blog!

Actually, no. I'd be lucky to get even one hit.

But still!

Oh, I haven't introduced my self.

Here goes. My name is Mandy, and I am a flat out Whovian. I've seen all the New Series episodes, and am working on the classics. I recently dyed my hair red (it failed, so now I'm a brunette. STILL NOT GINGER!!!), crossplayed as the Eleventh Doctor for Halloween, and carry around a sonic screwdriver with me at all times.

I was inspired onto this fandom by my awesomely geeky ELA long term substitute. She cosplayed as Matt Smith last Halloween, which I confused for PSY from "Gangham Style". I mean seriously!

Bow ties galore!

Her costume was awesome nonetheless and she told me to go check out the show and said I'd love it. So, on a boring, very hot summer's day, I searched for Doctor Who on Netflix and changed my life forever.

That police box thingy on her desk was a TARDIS. I facepalmed.

Anyway, this show slowly became my and my BFF Julia's obsession. Then we learned about the 50th special with both David Tennant AND Matt Smith.

This was me.

And this was her.

So now, I'm using this blog, launched on the First of Matt Smith November, to share my fangirl excitement with the rest of the interwebs.

I also recently found this thing navigating said interwebs, a 30 day Doctor Who Challenge, hence the name of this blog. So, here it goes.

It's not the conventional one with the Facebook page, and that's why I picked it.

Day One: Favorite Quote

It's a tie between two for me.

1. “I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.”
— The Doctor, Season 6, Episode 6

2. “The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.”
— The Doctor, Season 5, Episode 12

Doctor Who is the source of some of the most inspirational quotes I have ever read in my life. The madman and his box. There, I said it.

I'll try to update daily, and when I don't, double updates!
Thanks for checking this out!

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