Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10 and Closet Cosplay

Who related photo I took. Hmm. Let's dig into my archives.

Found something!

Here's my closet cosplay of the Eleventh Doctor selfie.

I kind of failed on it though, so please give me a break


Yeah so, it really wasn't my best day. I was trying to enter Not Literally's cosplay contest for "I Ship It"

You can check them out at and on their Facebook and Twitter. I follow them because they have good parody music. I'm both a Pottterhead and Whovian, so it works for me.

Plus, THIS!

And, they're making a few other parodies centered around Doctor Who, as stated on their website. They are "A Regeneration Carol" and "Ask the Doctor". Seriously. Go check them out.

And with that, I say Salut!


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